error_ctx - standard error-reporting mechanism
#include <define.h>
#include <error_ctx.h>

typedef VOID  *error_ctx;

error_ctx      DEFAULT_ERROR_CTX;

/* error_ctx==0 results in default error explanation */
/* str==0 causes error_explain_error to do nothing */
int error_explain_error(ctx, err, str)
    error_ctx     ctx;                          /* IN, may be 0 */
    int           err;                          /* IN */
    char          str[ERROR_MESSAGE_LENGTH];    /* OUT, may be 0 */

/* error_ctx==0 causes error_log_error to do nothing */
int error_log_error(ctx, err)
    error_ctx     ctx;                          /* IN, may be 0 */
    int           err;                          /* IN */

/* error_ctx==0 causes error_log_printf to do nothing */
int error_log_printf(ctx, err, format /* , ... */ )
    error_ctx     ctx;                          /* IN, may be 0 */
    int           module_num;                   /* IN */
    char         *format;                       /* IN, may be 0 */
    /* ... */                                   /* IN */

/* call with ERROR_MODULE(error_num) to disable/enable logging for a
 * specific module */
int error_disable_module_error_logging(module_num)
    int           module_num;                   /* IN */

int error_enable_module_error_logging(module_num)
    int           module_num;                   /* IN */

/* write_func==0 prevents logging */
/* write_func() returns the number of bytes written, or -1 for error */
int create_error_ctx(ctx, log)
    error_ctx    *ctx;                          /* IN */
    int         (*write_func) PROTO_LIST((VOID *write_handle, char *buf, int nbyte)),
                                                /* IN, may be 0 */
    VOID         *write_handle                  /* IN */

int delete_error_ctx(ctx)
    error_ctx    *ctx;                          /* IN */

int modify_error_ctx(ctx, modify, /* , ... */ )
    error_ctx     ctx,                          /* IN */
    int           modify,                       /* IN */
    /* ... */                                   /* IN */
#define ERROR_CTX_MODIFY_ALL_LOGGING_DISABLED        0  /*  int bool  */

int query_error_ctx(ctx, query, /* , ... */ )
    error_ctx     ctx,                          /* IN */
    int           query,                        /* IN */
    /* ... */                                   /* OUT */
#define ERROR_CTX_QUERY_ALL_LOGGING_DISABLED         0  /*  int *bool  */


error_ctx is an abstraction used for reporting errors. The mechanism is used to convert return values to textual error descriptions, to log these descriptions, and to provide global contextual error state in a multithreaded environment. In the event that the default error_ctx, DEFAULT_ERROR_CTX, is not used, each thread is expected to use a unique error_ctx.

create_error_ctx() creates the error_ctx. An error_ctx is not usable prior to a call to create_error_ctx().

delete_error_ctx() deletes the error_ctx. An error_ctx is no longer usable following a call to delete_error_ctx().

error_explain_error() converts a numeric return value to a textual error description.

error_log_error() logs a textual description of an error code to the output stream associated with the provided error_ctx. A default error_ctx, called DEFAULT_ERROR_CTX, can be used to log errors to stderr.

error_log_printf() can be used to log arbitrary textual descriptions to the output stream associated with the provided error_ctx. A default error_ctx, called DEFAULT_ERROR_CTX, can be used to log errors to stderr.

modify_error_ctx and query_error_ctx is used to modify the behavior of an error_ctx. The following options are available:

enable/disable all logging

Two macros, ERROR_MODULE() and ERROR_NUMBER() convert between a numeric return value and values representing the module that generated the error and the module-specific error number.

For error_explain_error(), passing in a 0 error_ctx is equivalent to passing in the default error_ctx (DEFAULT_ERROR_CTX), the result being that no additional contextual information is provided to the error-reporting routine. Passing in a 0 str parameter causes error_explain_error() to do nothing.

For error_log_error(), passing in a 0 error_ctx causes it to do nothing.

For error_log_printf(), passing in a 0 error_ctx or format causes it to do nothing.

For create_error_ctx(), passing in a 0 log parameter disables logging for that error_ctx.

On success, create_error_ctx() and delete_error_ctx() return NO_ERROR. On failure, create_error_ctx() returns ERROR_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER or ERROR_ERR_NO_MEMORY. On failure, CACHE_delete() returns ERROR_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER.

The error handling routines error_explain_error(), error_log_error(), and error_reset_error() always return NO_ERROR, independent of their error status, in order to prevent errors from generating additional errors.

See Return Values for descriptions of individual error codes.

    int             status;         /* numeric return value */
    int             module;         /* the module in which the error occured */

    status = some_setref_function();
    if (status != NO_ERROR) {

        module = ERROR_MODULE(status);

        /* print arbitrary data to the log */
        error_log_printf(DEFAULT_ERROR_CTX, module, "Something bad happened");

        /* log the error */
        error_log_error(DEFAULT_ERROR_CTX, status);

    /* ... */

    int             status;         /* numeric return value */
    UCHAR           str[ERROR_MESSAGE_LENGTH];

    status = some_setref_function();
    if (status != NO_ERROR) {

        /* obtain an explaination of the error */
        error_explain_error(DEFAULT_ERROR_CTX, status, str);

        /* display the explanation */
        printf("error message: %s\n", str);

    /* ... */

write_log(write_handle, buf, nbyte)
    VOID     *write_handle;
    char     *buf;
    int       nbyte;
    return fwrite(buf, 1, nbyte, (FILE*)write_handle);
    error_ctx       ectx;           /* per-thread error_ctx */
    int             status;         /* numeric return value */
    FILE           *log;            /* thread-specific error log */

    log = fopen(thread_error_log(), "a");
    assert(log != 0);

    status = create_error_ctx(&ectx, write_log, (VOID*)log);
    assert(status == NO_ERROR);

    status = some_setref_function();
    if (status != NO_ERROR) {
        /* log the error */
        error_log_error(ectx, status);

        /* display error information to the user */
        fprintf(stderr,"error number %d in module %d\n",
                ERROR_NUMER(status), ERROR_MODULE(status));

    /* ... */
This document describes a beta implementation. The information contained in this document may be incomplete and is subject to change.

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