Error Codes

Error codes are divided into a rough taxonomy which is split between warnings ("WARN") and errors ("ERR"). The principle difference between warnings and errors is in how--or if--processing can continue. In general, it is expected that processing can continue following a warning (provided the warning can safely be ignored), but processing cannot continue following an error. In the face of an error, recovery might still be possible, but this likely requires correcting the source of the error.


Assume a hypothetical function WriteDataToDisk(), which--surprise!-- writes data to disk. Assume also that this function returns either A call to WriteDataToDisk() that returns ERR_NO_DISK_SPACE failed to write the data to disk because there was not enough disk space. Recovery may be possible--by first freeing sufficient disk space and second by calling WriteDataToDisk() again. Conversely, a call that returns WARN_LOW_ON_DISK_SPACE succeeded in writing the data to disk, but following the write, there was little space left on the disk.

The example above is contrived. In practice, WriteDataToDisk() would not return warnings, but rather "low disk space" conditions would be signalled entirely through errors. Warnings are used sparingly, and are reserved for when a warning cannot be signalled with an error. Warnings can often be thought of as being informational.


The following key words are used to indicate the general nature of the error condition: Although some of these categories may overlap in meaning, they are only intended to be rough categories. Some of the examples below are contrived, but hopefully serve to illustrate the meaning of the category.
ALTERED: Something changed that was not supposed to change
An internal consistency check has found that some state has been changed, almost certainly by the user, when it was expected that the state would remain constant. For instance, if a program is writing to a file and after writing a large amount of data, the program notices that the file has been truncated and is 0 bytes long, then the file has been "altered".

BAD: Something was poorly formed or corrupted
For example, if a program expects ASCII input but instead receives as input random binary data, this input is "bad."

ILLEGAL: Something that was prohibited was specified or performed
If a function expects as an argument a non-null pointer, then passing in a null pointer is "illegal."

INCONSISTENT: Two or more things that are inconsistent were specified or performed
In SET, if the cardholder specifies a purchase price of $10 and the merchant specifies a purchase price of $25, then these two amounts are "inconsistent."

NO: A resource was missing, lacking, or unavailable
Out-of-memory errors are signaled with a NO_MEMORY error.

MIN_SIZE, MAX_SIZE: A size/length constraint was violated
SET specifies a six-character field to contain the payment card expiration date (in YYYYMM form). A expiration date specified using 8 digits (perhaps in YYYYMMDD form) violates the maximum length constraint. Similarly, an expiration date specified using 4 digits (perhaps in YYMM form) violates the minimum length constraint.

UNEXPECTED: Something unexpected was present
In SET, certification authorities (CAs) do not participate in the purchasing sequence, and thus do not receive payment messages. If some entity sends a payment message to a CA, the CA will receive an "unexpected" message.

UNKNOWN: Something was specified outside the known range of values
An unknown value is one that, while well formed, is not part of the permitted range of values. In other words, a range of possible values has been enumerated, but the specified value does not appear in that enumeration. For instance, say a protocol defines messages of type A, B, and C. A program implementing this protocol that receives a message of type D would generate a message type "unknown" error.

UNSUPPORTED: Something specified was legal, but unsupported
Say that a protocol defines messages of type A, B, and C. However, a program only supports messages of type A or B. This program, upon receiving a message of type C, will generate a message type "unsupported" error.

WHILE: An error occured while performing some action
A "while" error is a catch-all which signifies that the specific cause of the error is unavailable (or perhaps it is available through other means). The functions of the stdio package, for instance, generally generate errors of the "while" variety: -1 means error while reading or error while writing. The specific error type is stored in a global variable named errno.

WRONG: A value was incorrectly specified
In general, a value is "wrong" when it has a single expected value, but that it was specified with a value other than that expected value. In SET, request-response message pairs are identified by a request-response pair identifier (RRPID). If a client recieves a response which contains an RRPID that is different from the one contained in the request, then this response RRPID is "wrong."

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All Rights Reserved.