SET Draft Reference Implementation, Version 1.0 Release Notes 30-Jun-1997 Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, Visa International Service Association and MasterCard International Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. OVERVIEW ======== Welcome to the SET Draft Reference Implementation, Version 1.0 (SETREF v1.0). The SET protocol was developed by MasterCard International, Visa International, and their technology partners (GTE, IBM, Microsoft, Netscape Communications Corp., SAIC, Terisa Systems and VeriSign). RELEASE OVERVIEW ================ SETREF provides the source code to a preliminary low-level implementation of the SET v1.0 protocol, suitable for developers who wish to gain experience with the SET protocol by examining actual source code. License restrictions prevent the inclusion of cryptographic libraries at this time. In order to build and run the demo programs, the BSAFE cryptographic library must be obtained through other means. What's included --------------- * Low-level implementation of payment and registration flow messages, including batch, credit, reversal, and inquiry messages. * Command-line demonstration program illustrating sample payment and registration flows. * SET "Version 1" compatibility * Web-based demonstration programs illustrating a sample payment flow. * Sample SET certificate chains for cardholder, merchant, and acquirer payment gateway. * Documentation, in HTML form. What's yet to come ------------------ A number of features are slated for later releases: * BrandCRLIdentifier processing * Sample CRLs * Automatic Trusted Root rollover Interoperability notes ---------------------- SETREF provides "over-the-wire" conformance to the current specification of the SET protocol, both in structure and in cryptographic treatment of messages. Because of the conformance to the SET ASN.1 and cryptographic processing rules, SETREF is structurally and cryptographically interoperable with other implementations of the SET protocol. Structural interoperability implies that protocol messages encoded by this implementation are decodable by other implementations and vice versa. Platforms --------- SETREF was built and tested under SunOS 4.1.3 and Windows 95 (the latter with Microsoft's Visual C++ 4.1). Documentation ------------- The documentation resides in the directory setref/doc/draft/html and consists of a Theory of Operation, Implementor's Guide, and API Reference Guide. The root page for the documentation is setref/doc/draft/html/index.html. Building -------- SETREF is distributed in the following files: For SunOS 4.1.3: setref_v1_0.tar.gz For Windows: 1. If you have received the Windows distribution on two floppy disks, you need to restore the file for Windows as follows: On Windows: It is distributed on two floppy disks. Extract from one floppy and from the other. Using the MS-DOS prompt, do the following to restore the file: copy /b 2. Unpack the setref_v1_0 distribution. On SunOS 4.1.3: gunzip -c setref_v1_0.tar.gz | tar xf - On Windows: Open WinZip on and use the "Extract" button to unpack it. You will see the top-level "setref" directory containing the following files and directories: Makefile ReleaseNotes.txt (this file) a2c alloc_ctx asn1 bsupport certs common demo doc error_ctx glue io_ctx kdb keydata make ops pkcs7 setcert set_msg setref_util store test util webdemo 3. Install the BSAFE cryptographic library (this library is not distributed with SETREF). SETREF assumes that the bsafe30 directory has the following structure. It is identical to the structure that the RSA Data Security, Inc. BSAFE 3.0 binary distribution has. For sunos413: bsafe30/library/sun412/include/aglobal.h algae.h atypes.h bsafe.h stdlibrf.h lib/libbsafe.a For Windows: bsafe30\library\msvc20\Include\Aglobal.h Algae.h Atypes.h Bsafe.h Stdlibrf.h Lib\Bsafe.lib If you have a BSAFE 3.0 binary distribution, move the "bsafe30" directory of the binary distribution to the top-level "setref" directory. If you have a BSAFE 3.0 source distribution, you need to create the above directory structure and place the "base30" directory in the top-level "setref" directory. (1) Put the library that you have built with the source distribution in the "lib" (SunOS) or "Lib" (Windows) directory. (2) Copy the 5 header files into the "include" (SunOS) or "Include" (Windows) directory. You can find all the header files except "bsafe.h" (SunOS) or "Bsafe.h" (Windows) in the directory "bsafe30/source/algae/c" (SunOS) or "bsafe30\source\algae\c" (Windows) in the source distribution. The "bsafe.h" file is in "bsafe30/source/bsource/include" (SunOS) or "bsafe30\source\bsource\include" (Windows). 4. Build the SETREF library and command-line demonstration application. On SunOS 4.1.3: cd setref make sunos413 On Windows: Open the SETREF project workspace with Visual C++ 4.1 by double-clicking the file make\win32\setref.mdp. There are 5 projects defined: bsupport, buildall, demo, includes, and setref in the workspace. Choose the "buildall - Win32 Release" configuration from the drop-down menu that lists all the configurations. Then select the "Build buildall.exe" item from the "Build" menu in the menu bar. Note: You may see warnings about *.h files at the beginning of building the "setref - Win32 Release" configuration. You may ignore those. Running the command-line demonstration program ---------------------------------------------- The command-line demonstration program illustrates use of the SET toolkit to process a payment transaction as well as a registration transaction. The following scripts demonstrate various scenarios of payment message flows as well as registration message flows in one batch. To process a payment transaction using the demo program, perform the following: On SunOS 4.1.3: cd setref/demo/make/sunos413 make pay.simple On Windows 95: cd setref\make\win32\demo\Release ..\pay_simple.bat The example payment message flow is: cardholder merchant payment gateway ---------- -------- --------------- PInitReq --> <-- PInitRes PReq --> AuthReq --> <-- AuthRes CapReq --> <-- CapRes <-- PRes To process both payment and registration flows, perform the following: On SunOS 4.1.3: cd setref/demo/make/sunos413 make test On Windows 95: cd setref\make\win32\demo\Release ..\test.bat Example registration flows include: Cardholder registation: cardholder CCA ---------- --- CardCInitReq --> <-- CardCInitRes RegFormReq --> <-- RegFormRes CertReq --> <-- CertRes Merchant or payment gateway registration: merchant or MCA or gateway PCA ----------- ------ Me_AqCInitReq --> <-- Me_AqCInitRes CertReq --> <-- CertRes This flow is broken into stages. The demo program takes command line arguments denoting which stages to invoke. IMPORTANT: The keying material database file called my.keys.sign MUST BE IN THE CURRENT WORKING DIRECTORY to run the command line demo application. Do not interrupt the demo program while it is running. If the demo program is terminated while it is writing to the keying material database, the database may become corrupted. For each invocation, the program expects to read the output of the previous stage from stdin and write the output of the current stage to stdout. Descriptive information for the stage is written to stderr. For example, the payment transaction can be broken down into the follwing stages. "demo -wPInitReq" -- (cardholder) writes PInitReq to stdout "demo -rPInitReq -wPInitRes" -- (merchant) reads PInitReq from stdin writes PInitRes to stdout "demo -rPInitRes -wPReq" -- (cardholder) reads PInitRes from stdin writes PReq to stdout "demo -rPReq -wAuthReq" -- (merchant) reads PReq from stdin writes AuthReq to stdout "demo -rAuthReq -rAuthRes" -- (acquirer payment gateway) reads AuthReq from stdin writes AuthRes to stdout "demo -rAuthRes -wCapReq" -- (merchant) reads AuthRes from stdin writes CapReq to stdout "demo -rCapReq -wCapRes" -- (acquirer payment gateway) reads CapReq from stdin writes CapRes to stdout "demo -rCapRes -wPRes" -- (merchant) reads CapRes from stdin writes PRes to stdout "demo -rPRes" -- (cardholder) reads PRes from stdin To demonstrate the entire transaction at once, execute the demo command containing all of the relevant payment messages. demo -wPInitReq ... -rPRes To use the demo program to create files containing the payment flow PDUs: On SunOS 4.1.3: cd setref/demo/make/sunos413 make pay.output On Windows 95: cd setref\demo\make\win32\Release ..\pay_output.bat Web-based demonstration ======================= Installation and operation of the Web-based demonstration programs are described in the file setref/webdemo/README.TXT (SunOS 4.1.3) and setref\webdemo\README.TXT (Windows 95). Additional applications and utilities for use with SETREF are being made available by Visa International Service Association and MasterCard International Incorporated at TRADEMARKS ========== UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Limited. All other brand and product names are or may be trademarks of, and are used to identify products or services of, their respective owners. DISCLAIMER ========== SET Draft Reference Implementation Disclaimer/License June 30, 1997 This is a beta version of the SET Draft Reference Implementation ("DRI"). It is a work in progress and is being provided at this stage and in this form to help developers and other interested parties to understand the SET protocol. This version of the DRI provides the core functionality required to process a simple transaction. This release does not support certificate authority messages. Nor does it support the SET option to perform transactions without cardholder certificates. For more details on the functionality in this beta version, please refer to the attached documentation. Later versions of the DRI will include additional functionality and may include other changes. DO NOT RELY UPON THIS CODE IN YOUR DEVELOPMENT. If you discover a bug, please let us know by posting a message to the SET-DEV mailing list. Our lawyers made us include the next four paragraphs, so PLEASE READ THE TEXT BELOW because it describes what you can do with the DRI. Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, Visa International Service Association and MasterCard International Incorporated. All rights reserved. Permission to copy and implement the material contained herein is granted subject to the conditions that (i) any copy or re-publication must bear this legend in full; (ii) any derivative work must bear a notice that it is not the Draft Reference Implementation ("DRI") for SET and (iii) that none of the copyright holders shall have any responsibility or liability whatsoever to any other party arising from the use or publication of the material contained herein. Visa and MasterCard ("Licensors") hereby grant you ("Licensee") a limited license to (i) make, use, copy and modify the DRI for the purpose of developing software that complies with the SET Specification ("SET Products") and for the purpose of achieving a better understanding of the SET Protocol; and (ii) distribute SET Products that incorporate all or a portion of the DRI and other software, which together are provided under a defined interface different from that provided by the DRI's API. Licensee shall not redistribute or sell a license to the DRI nor shall Licensee incorporate any part of the DRI into a SET Toolkit. A "Toolkit" means a product that provides comprehensive facilities to enable other parties to create software products for distribution. Bolt-on applications and payment modules shall not be considered Toolkits for the purpose of this license. The DRI is not intended to be used as a Toolkit. Licensors make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, relating to the DRI. Licensors are making the DRI publicly available as an aid to understanding, creating, and testing SET Products. Licensees are solely responsible for any use of the DRI and agree to hold Licensors harmless for any claim that may arise out of any product created with the DRI. Licensee expressly acknowledges Terisa Systems, Inc., a Delaware Corporation with offices at 4984 El Camino Real, Los Altos, California, as a third party beneficiary of this license. This software is controlled material under U.S. law and the laws of other jurisdictions and you hereby acknowledge and agree that you must fully comply with all the current laws of the United States including, without limitation, rules and regulations of the United States Office of Export Administration and other applicable U.S. governmental agencies.