Welcome to Sam Spade Sam Spade is a network tool suite, with some extra features for tracking unsolicited email. It's freeware. This release (1.10) is a beta release, there may be bugs or missing functionality (but many fewer than there used to be - in particular the tracroute GPFs have been fixed, and code to work around bugs in Internics whois server has been added). This is an interim release, intended to get bug fixes out to users. There will be a new release within a week or so with some new features, upgraded documentation etc. Check back at the website, or use the 'Check Version' button on the About... box. If you find any bugs please send me mail (spade@blighty.com). It would be useful if you can tell me what you were doing, and include a copy of any data involved (eg if it crashes when pasting email headers, send me a copy of the headers). Sam Spade has three sources of documentation: Winhelp: A traditional windows help file Online Help: You can read the HTML Help online at http://www.blighty.com/products/spade/help/ HTML Help: The new format for helpfiles under windows This requires Microsoft Internet Explorer (V4 works. MS claim V3 works too) be installed (you don't have to use it as your default browser, it just needs to be installed). HTML Help needs OCXes installed. If you've already used HTML Help in other applications or online you may already have them installed. If not see http://www.blighty.com/products/spade/htmlhelp/ for download and install details You can select between HTML and WinHelp by selecting 'Edit', then 'Options...', then 'Help' The documentation hasn't been updated since 1.04, so is somewhat out of date in places. See http://www.blighty.com/products/spade/ for more details. Configuration Select 'Edit', then 'Options...', then fill in the boxes. See the online help for the details. Installed files README.txt - This file Spade.exe - The program itself spade.hlp - Winhelp spade.cnt - winhelp contents hs_regex.dll - Regular expression library, installed in \Windows\System32 spade.chm - HtmlHelp file, installed in \Windows\Help Technical Support See http://www.blighty.com/products/spade/ for known bugs. If something crashes, and it's not listed as a known bug, drop me some email at spade@blighty.com with full details about what you were doing when it crashed