;Mathcad 2001 Professional Resource Center ;Copyright (c) 1999 MathSoft, Inc. All rights reserved. ;rev 11/13/00 mz .version 2001 .titleResource Center ; Main Entry Point TOC map.mcd : Welcome to Mathcad 2001! welcome welcome.mcd : Welcome to Mathcad 2001! new new.mcd : New Features in Mathcad 2001 new1 new1.mcd : Higher Speed Calculation new2 new2.mcd : Improved Web Integration new3 new3.mcd : Region-to-Region Hyperlinking and Region Tags new4 new4.mcd : New Mathcad Functionality new5 new5.mcd : Extending Mathcad: Components and Add-Ins new8 new8.mcd : Picture Region Capabilities new9 new9.mcd : Expanded Help toc_tuto toc_tuto.mcd : Overview and Tutorials overview overview.mcd : An Overview of Mathcad ; ;Getting Started Tutorial toc_tut toc_tut.mcd : Getting Started Tutorial Contents qwiktour qwiktour.mcd : Quick Mathcad Tour toolbar toolbar.mcd : Mathcad's Toolbars about_rc about_rc.mcd : Navigating and Accessing the Resource Center enttext enttext.mcd : Entering Text workreg workreg.mcd : Working with Regions buildexp buildexp.mcd : Building Mathematical Expressions xdefvar defvar.mcd : Defining Variables deffun deffun.mcd : Defining Functions defrange defrange.mcd : Defining Range Variables defvect defvect.mcd : Defining Vectors and Matrices creatgra creatgra.mcd : Creating and Using Graphs formmatx formmatx.mcd : Formatting Text and Math formres formres.mcd : Formatting Results useunits useunits.mcd : Using Units collab collab.mcd : Accessing the Mathcad Collaboratory animate animate.mcd : Animating a Graph help help.mcd : Where to Get More Help ; Other Tutorials ;3d Graphing t_3dtoc t_3dtoc.mcd : Creating 3D Graphs t_3dplot t_3dplot.mcd : Creating 3D Graphs t_3dqwik t_3dqwik.mcd : Customizing 3D QuickPlots t_3dmesh t_3dmesh.mcd skip : Graph Gallery: Using CreateMesh t_3dspac t_3dspac.mcd skip : Graph Gallery: Using CreateSpace t_3d1 t_3d1.mcd : Formatting 3D Graphs t_3d2 t_3d2.mcd : Surface Appearance of 3D Graphs t_3d3 t_3d3.mcd : Line Appearance of 3D Graphs t_3d5 t_3d5.mcd : Converting 3D Graphs t_3d6 t_3d6.mcd : Lighting 3D Graphs t_3d7 t_3d7.mcd : Modifying 3D Graph Perspective ;Data analysis t_data t_data.mcd : Analyzing Your Data: Functions and Methods t_compon t_compon.mcd : Handling Data Files t_exchan t_exchan.mcd : Exchanging Data with Other Applications t_struct t_struct.mcd : Preparing Data for Analysis t_linear t_linear.mcd : Linear Regression t_poly t_poly.mcd : Multivariate Polynomial Regression t_fits t_fits.mcd : Specialized Fitting Functions t_linfit t_linfit.mcd : Generalized Linear Regression t_genfit t_genfit.mcd : Generalized Non-linear Regression t_csplin t_csplin.mcd : Multivariate Interpolation t_smooth t_smooth.mcd : Smoothing Data ; Differential Equations 04ii 04ii.mcd : Differential Equations 0401ii 0401ii.mcd : What Is a Differential Equation? 0402ii 0402ii.mcd : Solving Differential Equations 0403ii 0403ii.mcd : Linear Differential Equations and ODESolve 0404ii 0404ii.mcd : Numerical Differential Equation Solvers 040401ii 040401ii.mcd : The Basic Idea - Euler's Method 040402ii 040402ii.mcd : The Standard Form of a DE System 040403ii 040403ii.mcd : Visualizing Solutions to a Differential Equatio 040404ii 040404ii.mcd : Fixed Step Size Methods 040405ii 040405ii.mcd : Adaptive Step Size Methods 040408ii 040408ii.mcd : Boundary Value Problems 0407ii 0407ii.mcd : Examples of Differential Equations and Their Solutions 040701ii 040701ii.mcd : The Motion of a Spring 040703ii 040703ii.mcd : Duffing's Equation 040704ii 040704ii.mcd : The Lorenz Attractor 040706ii 040706ii.mcd : Complex Solutions to ODEs 040707ii 040707ii.mcd : Watching Where You Tread ; Presenting Your work t_auth01 t_auth01.mcd : Documenting and Publishing Your Work t_auth02 t_auth02.mcd : Creating Hyperlinks t_auth09 t_auth09.mcd : Using Rulers and Guidelines t_auth03 t_auth03.mcd : Locking and Hiding Regions t_auth04 t_auth04.mcd : Defining and Using Styles t_auth05 t_auth05.mcd : Adding Headers and Footers t_auth06 t_auth06.mcd : Creating Templates t_auth10 t_auth10.mcd : Operator Display Options t_auth07 t_auth07.mcd : Importing Images t_auth08 t_auth08.mcd : Developing Electronic Books t_auth11 t_auth11.mcd : Creating a Searchable Index ;QuickSheets and Reference Tables toc_qs toc_qs.mcd : QuickSheets and Reference Tables Contents about_qs about_qs.mcd : About QuickSheets ;PERSONAL QUICKSHEETS notes notes.mcd : Personal QuickSheets myform myform.mcd : Personal Formulas myprog myprog.mcd : Personal Programs myoper myoper.mcd : Personal Operators mylink mylink.mcd : Personal Hot Links ;ARITHMETIC AND ALGEBRA arithtoc arithtoc.mcd : Arithmetic and Algebra Contents basic basic.mcd : Arithmetic Operations trig trig.mcd : Trigonometric Functions (Radians) trigdeg trigdeg.mcd : Trigonometric Functions (Degrees) log log.mcd : Natural and Base 10 Logarithms logb logb.mcd : Logarithms to Any Base factint factint.mcd : Factoring an Integer complex complex.mcd : Operations with Complex Numbers binomcof binomcof.mcd : Calculating Binomial Coefficients findgcd findgcd.mcd : Finding the GCD of Two Integers findprim findprim.mcd : Finding Prime Numbers octhex octhex.mcd : Converting to Octal and Hexadecimal Numbers tempconv tempconv.mcd : Temperature Conversions raddms raddms.mcd : Converting Radians to Deg-Min-Sec a080seed a080seed.mcd : Using Range Variables for Seeded Iteration osumprod osumprod.mcd : Iterated Sums and Products opsfig1 opsfig1.mcd : Range Sums and Products opslogic opslogic.mcd : Boolean Operators boole boole.mcd : Implementing Boolean Operators opera opera.mcd : Custom-Designed Operators roundoff roundoff.mcd : Truncation and Round-Off Functions f080 f080.mcd : Sorting Functions fconditi fconditi.mcd : Conditional Function filterin filterin.mcd : Impulse and Step Functions prdcfncs prdcfncs.mcd : Defining Periodic Functions symbnume symbnume.mcd : Symbolic Summation symkeywo symkeywo.mcd : Live Symbolic Algebra symbmenu symbmenu.mcd : Symbolic Menu Algebra sym15 sym15.mcd : Substituting an Expression for a Variable polycof polycof.mcd : Finding Polynomial Coefficients primes primes.mcd : Finding Prime Numbers (II): Recursive Approach primfact primfact.mcd : Factoring an Integer via Programming charstr7 charstr7.mcd : Character String Manipulation bitstr7 bitstr7.mcd : Bit Fiddling upplowr7 upplowr7.mcd : ASCII Code Conversion findstr7 findstr7.mcd : Finding Substring Locations rptcnct7 rptcnct7.mcd : Repeated Concatenation of Strings addlrg7 addlrg7.mcd : Large Integer Addition via Strings newkey_a. newkey_a.mcd : Advanced Symbolic Keywords - Algebra seq2vec7 seq2vec7.mcd : Converting Text Numerical Sequence to Data Vector days7 days7.mcd : Days of the Week dates dates.mcd : Days Between Dates ;FINANCE finantoc finantoc.mcd : Business and Finance Contents compinte compinte.mcd : Computing Compound Interest presval presval.mcd : Present Value presvals presvals.mcd : Present Value of Stream of Periodic Payments npv npv.mcd : Net Present Value futval futval.mcd : Future Value futvala futvala.mcd : Future Value of an Annuity ratea ratea.mcd : Interest Rate of an Annuity paymt paymt.mcd : Payment on a Loan intsimp intsimp.mcd : Ordinary and Exact Simple Interest apr apr.mcd : Add-On Interest Rate Converted to APR compmort compmort.mcd : Fixed-Rate Mortgages adjmort adjmort.mcd : Adjustable-Rate Mortgages irr irr.mcd : Internal Rate of Return mirr mirr.mcd : Modified Internal Rate of Return invdoub invdoub.mcd : Doubling Time for an Investment sldeprec sldeprec.mcd : Straight-Line Depreciation dbdeprec dbdeprec.mcd : Declining-Balance Depreciation ddbdepre ddbdepre.mcd : Double-Declining-Balance Depreciation sydeprec sydeprec.mcd : Sum-of-the-Years'-Digits Depreciation bondyiel bondyiel.mcd : Bond Yield to Maturity bondmod bondmod.mcd : Bond Modified Duration mcmr mcmr.mcd : Marginal Cost and Marginal Revenue brkeven brkeven.mcd : Breakeven Analysis prftmrgn prftmrgn.mcd : Profit Margin optim optim.mcd : Optimizing a Budget linpro linpro.mcd : Choosing an Optimal Investment Mix alloca alloca.mcd : Allocating Production Resources ;UNITS unitstoc unitstoc.mcd : Units Contents unitsdef unitsdef.mcd : Defining Units unitspre unitspre.mcd : Unit Prefixes unitsplt unitsplt.mcd : Converting Units for a Plot unitscal unitscal.mcd : Converting Units for a Scalar Result unitsvec unitsvec.mcd : Converting Units for a Vector of Results unitstbl unitstbl.mcd : Converting Units for an Output Table ;VECTORS AND MATRICES matritoc matritoc.mcd : Vectors and Matrices Contents basicmat basicmat.mcd : Operations on Square Matrix rowcol rowcol.mcd : Extracting Rows and Columns creatabl creatabl.mcd : Creating a Table of Values creatmat creatmat.mcd : Creating a Matrix of Values rref rref.mcd : Matrix Row Reduction dec2vec dec2vec.mcd : Converting Decimal to Vector vec2dec vec2dec.mcd : Converting Vector to Decimal rangevec rangevec.mcd : Converting a Range into a Vector pickelem pickelem.mcd : Picking Elements from Vector aw1 aw1.mcd : Packing a Vector into an Array aw7 aw7.mcd : Unwrapping an Array into a Vector aw2 aw2.mcd : Randomizing a Vector aw3 aw3.mcd : Randomizing an Array aw4 aw4.mcd : Extracting Vector Elements aw5 aw5.mcd : Extracting Matrix Elements aw6 aw6.mcd : Inserting a Subarray into an Array aw8 aw8.mcd : Intersection of Two Vectors of Numbers mo60vop mo60vop.mcd : Array Algebra mo70vfu mo70vfu.mcd : Array Size and Scope matrices matrices.mcd : Functions for Transforming Arrays spctypes spctypes.mcd : Special Types of Matrices spcchars spcchars.mcd : Special Characteristics of Matrices joinder joinder.mcd : Joining Matrices submatrx submatrx.mcd : Extracting Submatrices meigen16 meigen16.mcd : Finding Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors meigen32 meigen32.mcd : Using Eigenvecs to Find All Eigenvectors svd svd.mcd : Decomposition of Matrices mo90qvec mo90qvec.mcd : Vectorizing an Expression m100sdef m100sdef.mcd : Simultaneous Definition of Variables m100swap m100swap.mcd : Swapping Variables Using Arrays m110ufun m110ufun.mcd : Array-valued Functions nestdef nestdef.mcd : Defining Nested Arrays nestshow nestshow.mcd : Displaying Nested Arrays sym18 sym18.mcd : Symbolic Matrix Computations elmrwops elmrwops.mcd : Elementary Row Operations on Matrices mtrx mtrx.mcd : The Matrix Function cmesh cmesh.mcd : The CreateMesh Function cspace cspace.mcd : The CreateSpace Function lookup lookup.mcd : Lookup Function ;SOLVING EQUATIONS answetoc answetoc.mcd : Solving Equations Contents solvquad solvquad.mcd : Finding Roots of a Quadratic solvroot solvroot.mcd : Solving Equation in Single Unknown solvline solvline.mcd : Solving a Linear System solvnonl solvnonl.mcd : Solving a Nonlinear System s010root s010root.mcd : Effects of TOL on Solving Equations s020ufrt s020ufrt.mcd : Solving Each of a Family of Equations proot proot.mcd : Finding the Roots of a Polynomial s040cons s040cons.mcd : Solve Blocks with Inequality Constraints sminerr sminerr.mcd : Using Minerr for Non-Linear Least Squares Fitting sym13 sym13.mcd : Symbolic Solutions of Equations solvsym solvsym.mcd : Symbolic Solve Blocks accuracy accuracy.mcd : Improving Root Accuracy nonlinop nonlinop.mcd : Constrained Nonlinear Optimization Problems linprogr linprogr.mcd : Linear Programming mtrxsolv mtrxsolv.mcd : Solving a Matrix Equation ;GRAPHING AND VISUALIZATION plottoc plottoc.mcd : Graphing and Visualization Contents qwikplot qwikplot.mcd : Quick X-Y Plot qwikplde qwikplde.mcd : Quick Function and Derivative Plot qwikdata qwikdata.mcd : Quick Plot of Data axumle2d axumle2d.mcd : X-Y Plot of Data Using Axum LE param2d param2d.mcd : Parametric Curve drawcirc drawcirc.mcd : Plotting a Circle drawsphe drawsphe.mcd : Plotting a Sphere polyhedr polyhedr.mcd : Plotting a Polyhedron polylook polylook.mcd : Finding the Dual and Wythoff Symbol of a Polyhedra surfrot surfrot.mcd : Surface of Rotation about X Axis surfroty surfroty.mcd : Surface of Rotation about Y Axis levcurv levcurv.mcd : Level Curves qwikxyz qwikxyz.mcd : Quick 3D Scatter Plot qwikxyzv qwikxyzv.mcd : Quick 3D Plot of Vectors qwikbars qwikbars.mcd : Quick 3D Bar Chart qwiksurf qwiksurf.mcd : Quick Surface Plot qwikvecf qwikvecf.mcd : Quick Vector Field Plot qwikgrad qwikgrad.mcd : Quick Gradient Field Plot normplot normplot.mcd : Normal Quantile-Quantile Plot odeqs2 odeqs2.mcd : Phase Plot for a First Order ODE odeqs5 odeqs5.mcd : Phase Plot for a Higher Order ODE rectpol rectpol.mcd : Rectangular to Polar Coordinates polrect polrect.mcd : Polar to Rectangular Coordinates rectcyl rectcyl.mcd : Rectangular to Cylindrical Coordinates cylrect cylrect.mcd : Cylindrical to Rectangular Coordinates rectsphe rectsphe.mcd : Rectangular to Spherical Coordinates spherect spherect.mcd : Spherical to Rectangular Coordinates a060itr a060itr.mcd : Using Range Variables for Plotting Curves unitsplt unitsplt.mcd : Converting Units for a Plot cmplxplt cmplxplt.mcd : Graphing Complex-Valued Functions of Complex Variable grayread grayread.mcd : Reading a Grayscale Image into a Matrix coloread coloread.mcd : Reading a Color Image into a Matrix saveimg saveimg.mcd : Writing Images to a Bitmap File extrcimg extrcimg.mcd : Extracting a Subimage from an Image grayimg grayimg.mcd : Grayscale Image Processing colorimg colorimg.mcd : Color Image Processing convol2d convol2d.mcd : Convolution in Two Dimensions medlft2d medflt2d.mcd : Median Filtering in Two Dimensions ; Common Surfaces and Plots ;CALCULUS AND DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS calctoc calctoc.mcd : Calculus and Differential Equations Contents numdiff numdiff.mcd : Numerical Differentiation numint numint.mcd : Numerical Integration symbdiff symbdiff.mcd : Symbolic Differentiation symbint symbint.mcd : Symbolic Integration series series.mcd : Expanding Function in a Power Series limit limit.mcd : Limit of a Function at a Point arcleng arcleng.mcd : Arc Length of a Function odeqs1 odeqs1.mcd : Solving First Order ODE Initial Value Problem odeqs3 odeqs3.mcd : Solving a First Order System of ODEs odeqs4 odeqs4.mcd : Solving a Higher Order ODE Initial Value Problem odeqs6 odeqs6.mcd : Solving an ODE Boundary Value Problem opsfig4 opsfig4.mcd : Computing the Derivative of a Function at Several Points opsfig7 opsfig7.mcd : Effects of TOL on Definite Integration opsfig8 opsfig8.mcd : Numerical Contour Integrals opsfig9 opsfig9.mcd : Numerical Double Integrals smseries smseries.mcd : Live Symbolic Calculus sym16 sym16.mcd : Symbolic Menu Calculus sym17 sym17.mcd : Partial Fraction Decomposition transfor transfor.mcd : Symbolic Transforms surfarea surfarea.mcd : Computing the Surface Area of a Function grwthdcy grwthdcy.mcd : Exponential Growth and Decay dampharm dampharm.mcd : Damped Harmonic Oscillation potent potent.mcd : Planetary Orbits smplpnd smplpnd.mcd : Simple Pendulum Motion sturmlvl sturmlvl.mcd : Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions heat heat.mcd : Heat Flow on a Square Plate mntcarlo mntcarlo.mcd : Monte Carlo Integration curv curv.mcd : Tangents, Normals and Curvature vctrdiff vctrdiff.mcd : Gradient, Divergence, and Curl jacob jacob.mcd : Jacobian Matrix and Determinant newkey newkey_t.mcd : Advanced Symbolic Keywords - Transforms ;DATA ANALYSIS fittoc fittoc.mcd : Data Analysis Contents linterp linterp.mcd : Linear Interpolation spline spline.mcd : Spline Interpolation 2dspline 2dspline.mcd : 2D Spline Interpolation vectcalc vectcalc.mcd : Differentiation/Integration of Data Vectors linregre linregre.mcd : Linear Regression polyregr polyregr.mcd : Polynomial Regression multregr multregr.mcd : Multiple Linear Regression lstsqr lstsqr.mcd : Least-Squares Fitting genfit genfit.mcd : Least-Squares Fitting with General Functions median median.mcd : Median-Median Linear Curve Fit linfitlo linfitlo.mcd : Using Linfit: Logarithmic Regression genfitex genfitex.mcd : Using Genfit: Exponential Regression genfitpow genfitpo.mcd : Using Genfit: Power Regression sinfit sinfit.mcd : Sinusoidal Fit multivar multivar.mcd : Using Regress: Multivariate Regression logistic logistic.mcd : Logistic Regression supsmu supsmu.mcd : Smoothing by Local Averaging medsmuth medsmuth.mcd : Median Smoothing kernsmu kernsmu.mcd : Kernel Smoothing smuloess smuloess.mcd : Loess Smoothing expsmu expsmu.mcd : Exponential Smoothing mvgavg mvgavg.mcd : Moving Average Smoothing histogra histogra.mcd : Histogram Frequency Distribution comphist comphist.mcd : Histogram Compared to Normal Distribution fourcoef fourcoef.mcd : Computing Fourier Coefficients nonlfit nonlfit.mcd : Nonlinear Curve Fitting Using Genfit f060 f060.mcd : FFT wvlts wvlts.mcd : Wavelet Transforms multread multread.mcd : Reading Multiple Files Inside a Program wavio wavio.mcd : Reading WAV Files ;STATISTICS stattoc stattoc.mcd : Statistics Contents probdist probdist.mcd : Using Probability Distributions basicsta basicsta.mcd : Basic Statistics stderror stderror.mcd : Computing Standard Errors rnduni rnduni.mcd : Uniformly Distributed Random Numbers rndnorm rndnorm.mcd : Normally Distributed Random Numbers rndexp rndexp.mcd : Exponentially Distributed Random Numbers montcarl montcarl.mcd : Monte Carlo Probability Estimation estimean estimean.mcd : Estimating a Mean zscore zscore.mcd : Z Score tscore tscore.mcd : t Score tmean tmean.mcd : t Test on Means goodness goodness.mcd : Goodness of Fit signtest signtest.mcd : HT Median hyptst01 hyptst01.mcd : HT Mean hyptst02 hyptst02.mcd : HT Mean, Unknown Variance hyptst03 hyptst03.mcd : HT Standard Deviation hyptst05 hyptst05.mcd : HT Proportion hyptst06 hyptst06.mcd : HT Linear Regression Slope hyptst07 hyptst07.mcd : HT Ratio of Population Variances hyptst08 hyptst08.mcd : HT Difference of Means, Large Sample hyptst09 hyptst09.mcd : HT Difference of Means, Small Sample, Equal Var hyptst10 hyptst10.mcd : HT Difference of Means, Small Sample, Unequal Var hyptst11 hyptst11.mcd : HT Equality of Two Proportions confint1 confint1.mcd : CI Mean confint2 confint2.mcd : CI Mean, Unknown Variance confint3 confint3.mcd : CI Variance confint4 confint4.mcd : CI Standard Deviation confint5 confint5.mcd : CI Proportion confint6 confint6.mcd : CI Linear Regression Slope confint7 confint7.mcd : CI Ratio of Population Variances confint8 confint8.mcd : CI Difference of Means, Large Sample confint9 confint9.mcd : CI Difference of Means, Small Sample, Equal Var conint10 conint10.mcd : CI Difference of Means, Small Sample, Unequal Var conint11 conint11.mcd : I Equality of Two Proportions anova anova.mcd : Single-Factor ANOVA princomp princomp.mcd : Principal Component Analysis pnorm pnorm.mcd : Probability Density and Cumulative Distribution ; Components in Mathcad comptoc comptoc.mcd : Components Contents axum axum.mcd : Using the Axum Component excel excel.mcd : Using the Excel Component ssle ssle.mcd : Using the SmartSketch Component matlab matlab.mcd : Using the MATLAB Component splus splus.mcd : Using the SPLUS Script Component script script.mcd : Using the Scriptable Object Component odbcsamp odbcsamp.mcd : Using the ODBC Read Component input input.mcd : Using the Input Table Component ;Other SPECIAL FUNCTIONS specitoc specitoc.mcd : Other Special Functions Contents catalan catalan.mcd : G: Catalan's Constant chi chi.mcd : Chi: Hyperbolic Cosine Integral ci ci.mcd : Ci: Cosine Integral dilog dilog.mcd : dilog: Dilogarithm Function dirac dirac.mcd : Dirac: Dirac Delta (Unit Impulse) Function ei ei.mcd : Ei: Exponential Integral erf erf.mcd : erf: Real and Complex Error Functions euler euler.mcd : g: Euler's Constant fresnelc fresnelc.mcd : FresnelC: Fresnel Cosine Integral fresnels fresnels.mcd : FresnelS: Fresnel Sine Integral hypergeo hypergeo.mcd : hypergeom: Hypergeometric Function leg_e leg_e.mcd : LegendreE: Incomplete Elliptic Integral leg_ec leg_ec.mcd : LegendreEc: Complete Elliptic Integral leg_ec1 leg_ec1.mcd : LegendreEc1: Associated Complete Elliptic Integral leg_f leg_f.mcd : LegendreF: Incomplete Elliptic Integral leg_kc leg_kc.mcd : LegendreKc: Complete Elliptic Integral leg_kc1 leg_kc1.mcd : LegendreKc1: Associated Complete Elliptic Integral leg_pi leg_pi.mcd : LegendrePi: Incomplete Elliptic Integral leg_pic leg_pic.mcd : LegendrePic: Complete Elliptic Integral leg_pic1 leg_pic1.mcd : LegendrePic1: Associated Complete Elliptic Integral psi psi.mcd : Psi: Digamma Function psin psin.mcd : Psin: Polygamma Function shi shi.mcd : Chi: Hyperbolic Sine Integral si si.mcd : Si: Sine Integral w w.mcd : W: Lambert's W Function zeta zeta.mcd : Zeta: Riemann Zeta Function ;PROGRAMMING progrtoc progrtoc.mcd : Programming Contents basicpro basicpro.mcd : Basic Uses of Programming Operators condtnl condtnl.mcd : Conditional Statements for_itr for_itr.mcd : For Loops whl_itr whl_itr.mcd : While Loops recursv recursv.mcd : Recursive Functions primes primes.mcd : Finding Prime Numbers (II) Recursive approach primfact primfact.mcd : Factoring an Integer via Programming newret newret.mcd : Using the Return Operator newcnt newcnt.mcd : Using the Continue Operator newerr newerr.mcd : Using the On Error Operator and the Error Function locmxmn locmxmn.mcd : Local Max/Min of Vectors ;ANIMATION animatoc animatoc.mcd : Animations Contents tangraph tangraph.mcd : Tangent Line Animation spirogra spirogra.mcd : Spiral Animation standwav standwav.mcd : Standing Wave Animation binomsim binomsim.mcd : Binomial Simulation Animation canimate canimate.mcd : Contour Map Animation bubble bubble.mcd : Animating the Bubble Sort gibbs gibbs.mcd : Gibbs' Phenomenon torus torus.mcd : Rolling a Rectangular Region into a Torus spacefil spacefil.mcd : Space-Filling Curve world world.mcd : Rotating Earth ifs ifs.mcd : Animating an Iterated Function System ;MATH SYMBOLS symbols symbols.mcd : Extra Math Symbols ;Reference Tables toc_fctb toc_fctb.mcd : Reference Tables 1_2 1_2.mcd : Fundamental Physical Constants physform physform.mcd : Physics Formulas fp09_3 fp09_3.mcd : Temperature Scales period period.mcd : Periodic Table of Elements m23_01 m23_01.mcd : Table of Derivative Formulas m23_02 m23_02.mcd : Table of Integral Formulas 6_1 6_1.mcd : Thermal Conductivity 6_2 6_2.mcd : Specific Gravity 6_3 6_3.mcd : Linear Expansion Coefficient 6_4 6_4.mcd : Electrical Resistivity 6_5 6_5.mcd : Poisson's Ratio 6_6 6_6.mcd : Modulus of Elasticity 6_7 6_7.mcd : Approximate Melting Point 6_8 6_8.mcd : Temperature Coefficient of Resistivity 7_1 7_1.mcd : Density of Liquids 7_2 7_2.mcd : Viscosity of Liquids 7_3 7_3.mcd : Specific Gravity of Liquids 7_4 7_4.mcd : Sound Velocity of Liquids 7_5 7_5.mcd : Surface Tension of Liquids 7_6 7_6.mcd : Dielectric Constant of Liquids 7_7 7_7.mcd : Index of Refraction of Liquids 7_8 7_8.mcd : Molecular Weight of Liquids 8_1 8_1.mcd : Density of Solids 8_2 8_2.mcd : Specific Gravity of Solids 8_3 8_3.mcd : Specific Heat of Solids 8_4 8_4.mcd : Thermal Conductivity of Solids 8_5 8_5.mcd : Dielectric Constant of Solids 9_1 9_1.mcd : Specific Gravity of Gases 9_2 9_2.mcd : Specific Heats of Gases 9_3 9_3.mcd : Sound Velocity of Gases 9_4 9_4.mcd : Molecular Weight of Gases fe01_01 fe01_01.mcd : Earth Statistics fe05_02 fe05_02.mcd : Geologic Age Statistics fe07_00 fe07_00.mcd : Ocean Statistics fe09_10 fe09_10.mcd : Solar System Statistics ;Desktop Reference ;Geometry 3.1 3_1.mcd : Areas and Perimeters 3.1.1 3_1_1.mcd : Triangle 3.1.2 3_1_2.mcd : Rectangle 3.1.3 3_1_3.mcd : Parallelogram 3.1.4 3_1_4.mcd : Trapezoid 3.1.5 3_1_5.mcd : Circle 3.1.6 3_1_6.mcd : Inscribed Circle 3.1.7 3_1_7.mcd : Circumscribed Circle 3.1.8 3_1_8.mcd : Sector of a Circle 3.1.9 3_1_9.mcd : Circular Segment 3.1.10 3_1_10.mcd : Regular Polygon 3.1.11 3_1_11.mcd : Inscribed Polygon 3.1.12 3_1_12.mcd : Circumscribed Polygon 3.1.13 3_1_13.mcd : Parabolic Segment 3.1.14 3_1_14.mcd : Ellipse 3.1.15 3_1_15.mcd : Cardioid 3.1.16 3_1_16.mcd : Cycloid 3.1.17 3_1_17.mcd : Hypocycloid 3.1.18 3_1_18.mcd : Lemniscate 3.2 3_2.mcd : Volumes and Surface Areas 3.2.1 3_2_1.mcd : Rectangular Prism 3.2.2 3_2_2.mcd : Parallelepiped 3.2.3 3_2_3.mcd : Right Circular Cylinder 3.2.6 3_2_6.mcd : Pyramid 3.2.7 3_2_7.mcd : Right Circular Cone 3.2.8 3_2_8.mcd : Frustum of Cone 3.2.9 3_2_9.mcd : Sphere 3.2.10 3_2_10.mcd : Spherical Cap 3.2.11 3_2_11.mcd : Spherical Triangle 3.2.12 3_2_12.mcd : Torus 3.2.13 3_2_13.mcd : Ellipsoid 3.2.14 3_2_14.mcd : Paraboloid ; Polyhedra polyref polyref.mcd : Polyhedra regpoly1 regpoly1.mcd : Regular and Quasi-Regular Polyhedra regpoly2 regpoly2.mcd : Regular and Quasi-Regular Polyhedra regpoly3 regpoly3.mcd : Regular and Quasi-Regular Polyhedra semipoly semipoly.mcd : Semi-Regular Polyhedra semipol2 semipol2.mcd : Semi-Regular Polyhedra semipol3 semipol3.mcd : Semi-Regular Polyhedra semipol4 semipol4.mcd : Semi-Regular Polyhedra semipol5 semipol5.mcd : Semi-Regular Polyhedra semipol6 semipol6.mcd : Semi-Regular Polyhedra evenpoly evenpoly.mcd : Even-Faced Polyhedra evenpol2 evenpol2.mcd : Even-Faced Polyhedra evenpol3 evenpol3.mcd : Even-Faced Polyhedra snubpoly snubpoly.mcd : Snub Polyhedra snubpol2 snubpol2.mcd : Snub Polyhedra #80poly #80poly.mcd : The Great Dirhombicosidodecahedron ; 4.1 CENTROIDS 4.1 4_1.mcd : Centroids 4.1.1 4_1_1.mcd : Triangular Area 4.1.2 4_1_2.mcd : Quarter Circle Area 4.1.3 4_1_3.mcd : Semicircular Area 4.1.4 4_1_4.mcd : Circular Sector 4.1.5 4_1_5.mcd : Semiparabolic Area 4.1.6 4_1_6.mcd : Parabolic Area 4.1.7 4_1_7.mcd : Parabolic Spandrel 4.1.8 4_1_8.mcd : Quarter Circular Arc 4.1.9 4_1_9.mcd : Semicircular Arc 4.1.10 4_1_10.mcd : Arc of a Circle ;4.2 MOMENTS OF INERTIA 4.2 4_2.mcd : Mass Moments of Inertia 4.2.1 4_2_1.mcd : Slender Rod 4.2.2 4_2_2.mcd : Thin Rectangular Plate 4.2.3 4_2_3.mcd : Thin Disk 4.2.4 4_2_4.mcd : Circular Cylinder 4.2.5 4_2_5.mcd : Rectangular Prism 4.2.6 4_2_6.mcd : Sphere 4.2.7 4_2_7.mcd : Circular Cone ;5.1 CAPACITANCE 5.1 5_1.mcd : Capacitance 5.1.1 5_1_1.mcd : Capacitance: Parallel Plates 5.1.2 5_1_2.mcd : Capacitance: Coaxial Cylinders 5.1.3 5_1_3.mcd : Capacitance: Isolated Sphere 5.1.4 5_1_4.mcd : Capacitance: Concentric Spheres ;5.2 OSCILLATORS 5.2 5_2.mcd : Oscillators 5.2.1 5_2_1.mcd : Oscillators: RC Phase Shift 5.2.2 5_2_2.mcd : Oscillators: Tuned Output 5.2.3 5_2_3.mcd : Oscillators: Colpitts 5.2.4 5_2_4.mcd : Oscillators: Clapp 5.2.5 5_2_5.mcd : Oscillators: Hartley 5.2.6 5_2_6.mcd : Oscillators: Pierce ; Extending Mathcad toc_ext toc_ext.mcd : Extending Mathcad DAC_WFMI DAC_WFMI.mcd : Data Acquisition: Wave Form Input vissim vissim.mcd : VisSim LE: Simulations with Mathcad controls controls.mcd : MathSoft Custom Controls: Buttons, Boxes, and Sliders sunspot sunspot.mcd : Excel: Calculating the Periodicity of Sunspots visio3 visio3.mcd : Visio Add-in: Analysis of a Circuit poisson poisson.mcd : Axum: Poisson Distribution matlab2 matlab2.mcd : Matlab: Drawing a Buckyball lottery lottery.mcd : Axum and Excel: New Jersey Pick-It Lottery visio2 visio1.mcd : Visio: RC Circuit Solver visio1 visio2.mcd : Visio: Mathcad-Driven Drawing lotus123 lotus123.mcd : Lotus 1-2-3: Inserting a Scripted Component angle angle.mcd : SmartSketch: Mathcad-Driven CAD Drawing backhoe backhoe.mcd : SmartSketch: Mathcad-Driven Backhoe Drawing belt belt.mcd : SmartSketch: Belt and Pulley Example splusbrv splusbrv.mcd : SPLUS: Binomial Random Variables splusexd splusexd.mcd : SPLUS: Generating Random Samples